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Hello and good morning!

Happy Monday! How was your week? I hope you had a great New Years! It is wild that it is 2022, how crazy is it too think that another year has come and gone!

This year I had picked Balanced as my word of the year and, with that I am trying to balance my life more! I don’t aim to add a bunch of new tasks to my day rather then too try to balance it out nicer!

Did you read last weeks blog on my 2022 word? I will leave a link for it if you missed it!

Happy 2022

This week I wanted to talk about one of my favorite things to help keep my house running a little more smoothly! That is to have a good ROUTINE!

If you have been with me for a while you probally already know that I LOVE MY ROUTINES! I can really not tell you enough how much routines hep out with my family and myself!

To have a routine does not mean too have your day planned out to the T. You can sure but, you don’t need to!

A routine is good for any time and can be used as many times through a day as one needs!

I use routines multiple times a day however, if and or when I start feeling that my routines are starting to need adjusting because of the seasons or just different life occurances then I will ususally only keep my moring and night routine! I feel my afternoon routine is the one that can be held off for a bit vs the other ones!

When it comes to the morning routine and night routine I feel these go hand in hand and will run a smoother house during the day and help set up for a smoother day for the next day!

If you have a strong morning routine your day and night will probally go smoother if, you have a strong night routine your morning should be smoother and then its a big cycle from one day to the next. These routines will eventually turn into habits. Without thinking about it you will be doing certain tasks without really thinking about needing too!

I have tryed to do many different lists and to do ideas! However, I have learned that I work the best but, also like my planner and routines the best!

I have always been a list kinda girl but, when it comes to my lists I will take routines over most because, I find I am very scattered in my thoughts and I will loose track of what I was doing and work in a space that was not a priority and that’s how it happens! I would work hard all day bouncing from here to there for the end of the day to come and all that I have seems to be a bigger mess.

I have my routines and I rearrange them LOTS, this is becuase there is always something changing in the house! Whether it is a change in the season which yes, here is Saskatchewan has a big impact in the days or, someone has joined something and times need to be rearranged!

Do you have a routine?

Are you a block sysytem, or a list person?

With the year just starting I always feel my routines can be a little stronger! As I sit down and make my routines I realize that a lot of what on there is what is needing to be there! It can be easy to fill in the blanks to make a better routine but a nice blank sheet and a morning is really where you need to start it!

I thought it would be a good idea to start the new year blogs on routines!

I hope this helped in understaning the power of a routine but, why I have my routines!

I hope you will follow the blog I aim to make my days run smoother and fill in the time with some mom fun! I am aiming to post more daily stuff over on facebook also! I would love to have you over there too join the fun!

Lets get this year running smooth and get BALANCED this year! Every year is different this year is going to be AWESOME!

Until next week.

Have a great day a, wonderful weekend and a productive week!

Bye for now!


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